7 feet = 213.36 cm
7 feet is considered a giant height, and understandably so! It is not common to see people this tall, unless you are watching an NBA match, where some of the players are are 7 ft or even taller than that.
People often need to convert height from feet to centimeters and vice versa because different measurement units are used in different regions of the world. For instance, foot is used in the USA and centimeter in Europe. The formula to calculate centimeters in 7 ft is:
7 ft x 30.48 = 213.36 cm
Just to give you an idea, a giraffe’s neck normally measures 7 to 10 ft in length, while fully grown giraffes stand 14 – 19 ft tall.
You can convert more values at our website’s homepage: https://ft2cm.com/
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